

「Hey,this way...」不遠的角落有一把男聲,身後還有另一個身影。


「My name Kim Hyo Shin, this is my girl friend Pak Soo Eun, nice to meet you!」陌生男説。

「Ha~Halo~my name Roy, nice to meet you too...」我以有限的英語回應。「And this is Karen, Siu Kiu and Xuan Xuan. 」

「So, why you are here? You seems not to be our schoolmates.」孝信問道。

「This is a long long story actually, but in short, we just came from the elderly centre near by, we are being attacked by the Zombies, and then ran here.」Karen 回應著。

「Oh, I see...」

「So, are you studying here? Do you know the way out?」Karen 續問。

「Yup, we are secondary six student here. We stay with others in that building. But the zombies came from the window, and I escape with others from the backdoor, but finally, only we two can survive...」孝信説得激動。

「Don't be so sad, man!」我不知道怎樣安慰他。

「We are sorry about that. Anyway, think we should focus on our way now, do you know the correct way to escape from here?」Karen 帶回正題。

「This, is the way out...」孝信指著前方的馬路,「But there is a problem, my leg is hurt and I cannot walk easily, do you mind walk in front of us and have someone to help me in walking?」


「She has something to say?」原來 Karen 都看到這一幕。

「Oh... nothing, her English is not good. She just feel hungry and tired.」孝信搶著回答,跟著對素恩説了幾句韓語。


「佢要我哋行先喎,你點睇?」Karen 轉身向我問道。


「咁佢哋點?點同佢哋講唔一齊走?」Karen 問。


「Um... We have internal discussed, and think that we should walk separately.」Karen 回答孝信。

「Oh, how come? You want to leave us alone? You want to leave us because of my wound? Shame on you, Hong Kong people!」孝信激動地説。



「我哋仲需要佢哋帶路,扶一扶佢都冇乜大不了,最多出到出面就放低佢哋啦!」我對 Karen 説。

「咁好啦,你話點就點。」Karen 好像不太認同,但也尊重我的決定。説罷便向孝信他們道出我們的最後決定。

由於我負責走在前頭開路,小喬要照顧旋旋,Karen 便過去跟素恩一左一右的扶著孝信一起行。不知是不是我多心,孝信好像有意無意地打量著 Karen 的背囊...
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