Chapter III: “Buy” One Get One Free

十八年前 某日凌晨 油麻地

18 years ago
A random midnight
Yau Ma Tei

A young lady was shakily walking on the street with her eyes and nose twitching oddly. It was apparent that this person is mentally unusual. Her name is Chin, she had worked for over 10 hours and then she just wanted to get home as soon as possible.

Chin had no parents or high education for she had only been to a special school. The only thing she didn't lack was chances of being discriminated at her workplace. No people wanted to talk to her, let alone marrying her.

No man was determined to provide Chin a happy family but there were people who “targeted” her, for the example, the man who was tailing her. The man was a trespasser, he was loitering in Yau Ma Tei when he found Chin. Chin, who is a bit slow, had no idea about the whole danger.

Mentally ill as Chin is, at that time, she still had a young, beautiful body as a 20-year old girl. Therefore, the moment she turned left and stepped in the alley became the biggest plot twist in her life.

The trespasser suddenly thrusted himself upon Chin! Her panic awoke the monster in his heart. Chin fought with all her power while there was no way that she could get rid of the man who was a lot stronger. She begged for mercy but the man wouldn't stop. Finally, Chin was given no choice other than accepting her doomed fate.

Chin was seized and her clothes were torn off. After taking the virginity of this mental woman, the man walked away with pleasure and left her alone in this alley.

Chin however, was barely holding up after being insulted thoroughly. She laughed realising that she wasn't clean anymore. But after all, the most pathetic part of the results was she being pregnant.


It shocked everyone that Chin didn't choose abortion. Instead, she accepted this child because she was so lonely. She didn't want to give up the chance of letting a child come into her life.

With the help of some friends, Chin successfully went through all of these and gave birth of her daughter. Unfortunately, this daughter became a topic of others. People wouldn't stop gossiping about how Chin got this daughter, who her father was and why there was no responsible man beside her.

Never was Chin accepted by the neighbours with her mental illness before being a mother, the situation could only get worse after she had a kid without even knowing who her father was.

Gladly a young man met Chin. He felt pity for her and the girl for what they have suffered. So he decided to take care of them. He didn’t mind Chin’s illness and to raise a kid he didn’t participate in the making of her. He married with Chin.

When hope and happiness seemed to be in Chin’s grasp, life made her a joke. Her husband had trouble in his job, harsh words and gossips pounded him day by day.


“Hey! Does your daughter know you’re her father?”

“Buy one get one free! What a bargain!”

“What buy one get one free? That’s a old and young bundle!”

Years have passed. The young man has changed. Facing all the pressure from work and people’s laughter alone made him unable to stay calm when living with the disabled Chin and her daughter. Without them, he would have had a better life. Hate has grown inside him...

Things finally got out of control. He started to abuse Chin, but Chin never defend.


“Darn it! It’s only a simple task!” Witnessing Chin breaking the dish, he slapped Chin with his anger.

Chin didn’t know how to react but looked at her husband scared. But that clueless expression made her husband more furious, he slapped her again, and shouted, “Pick them up! Life’s much easier without you!”

Meanwhile, his daughter pulled his hand, begging him, “Daddy, please don’t hit mummy, please…”

The man was troubled already. The girl’s nuisance made him rage. He violently pushed the girl away, yelled, “Get lost! She’s your mummy, but I’m not your daddy! You’re just a cheap girl made by some Mainland guy who raped your mom!”

She’s still a little girl, how could she bear such tremendous force? She stepped back and finally fell. Chin saw what the man did to her daughter, and she punched him relentlessly. “Hit me! But why her?” She cried.


“Are you nuts? Have you lost your mind?” the man restrained Chin’s hand and slapped her, harder than anytime he ever did, and for the last time. He had never been seen anymore after that night. This probably was the reason why Chin and her daughter would never trust men anymore.

That happened ten years ago. Chin was 30. Her daughter was only 7.
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