第七章: 第一晚   

喺呢2060年嘅世界,倫敦去紐約只不過係10分鐘內嘅事(作者:前故有講樂行全家移民去英國Sevenoaks),紫柔就帶我去紐約食steak,of  course medium rare 啦。  



到咗紐約,喺戈戈地圖見到間有4.7級嘅steakhouse,我好有風度咁幫Helena拉位,然後叫好西,叫咗King Crab Legs同Steak Tartare做Appetizer,Ceaser Salad同Onion Soup 做餐湯/沙律,Main Course就叫咗Ribeye Steak、Lamb Chop,Sirloin Steak,Lobster Mac and Cheese同Grill Salmon,好Jeng呀(作者:為何深夜總是餓,但仲未完),Drinks係Double Espresso、Cappuccino 同Apple Cider ,Desert 就of course 有Cheese Cake、Tiramisu、同Crème Brûnée。  

Dining完之後,去帝國大廈、St. Patrick's Catherdal、Central Park、Chinatown、Columbus Circle,pier 36幫我嘅小可愛Helena影咗好多靚相(Kristen:你個陣同我去芬蘭同渡密月去法國、北海道同東歐[inc.希臘、布拉格、克羅地亞]都冇幫影多相)。  去咗好多地方就搭的士返喺West 37 Street 嘅酒店,為咗唔好用太多錢(作者:頭先食咗USD$320.45,班女又喺Chanel,Dior,LOFT買咗成2萬美金嘅嘢,惟有住$1000港紙嘅酒店!?)去到間酒店房,


眼望2張King size嘅床,死啦Helena 同邊個瞓呢?




I:「Excuse me, may have one Long Island Ice Tea and one Piña Colada for this lady!」  


I:「梗係,我係你男朋友嚟㗎嘛!同埋Long Island Ice Tea最多都35%酒精,你個Piña Colada都係10幾%,酸酸甜甜少酒味啱你呀!」  

「Heres Piña Colada and Long Island Ice Tea. Hi, our shop is held a couple event,if a couple take a picture,they can have discount for 40% off and we can give you back the photo,will you join?」 
 I&H:「Sure!How can we take?」  
「Hei boi, you take the wine and lady you also take the wine and kiss him!」  


 個Bartender 冇覺得好奇怪,又係嘅Close嘅Couple又真係會咁嘅,其後,個Bartender私人醒咗Gin Tonic比我地又贊我地好sweet,祝我地可以更加Close。  

喝咗Long Island Ice Tea同Gin Tonic都OK夠啦,係時候歸酒店啦,好在Helena冇醉,唔使頭痛搬翻Helena BB去酒店。翻到嚟,紫柔已經瞓到好諗。  


(下删二百字)  着返衫,嘩,你個Helena 衰妹着黑色蕾絲連身睡衣+紅色T back+超短熱褲仔,好在我忍到,我跟住公主抱佢上張床,比個Airpot佢聽 I want to hold you hand 

Oh, yeah, I'll tell you somethin'
I think you'll understand
When I say that somethin
'I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand  

Oh, please, say to me
You'll let me be your man
And please, say to me
You'll let me hold your hand
You'll let me hold your hand

I want to hold your hand 

 And when I touch youI feel happy inside
It's such a feelin' that my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide  

Yeah, you got that somethin'
I think you'll understand
When I say that somethin'
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand  

And when I touch youI feel happy inside
It's such a feelin' that my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide  
Yeah, you got that somethin'
I think you'll understand
When I feel that somethin'
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand

I want to hold your hand



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