我發咗個夢, 個夢嘅message 係, 因為某d原因, 呢個世界出現咗一種人形生物, 我們先叫呢d人形生物做 "獸"。

 獸接觸到人, 人會變獸。人會養狗, 狗接觸到獸, 獸會死。人死了, 狗會死。獸與獸接觸會兩個都死。沙盤推演, 最後哪種生物會生存呢?睇吓Al點答先:
In this world, it is likely that the dogs will be the ones to survive in the end. Dogs can be used to protect humans from zombies, and if a zombie touches a dog, the zombie will die. Humans feed dogs, so if humans die, the dogs will also die. However, if a zombie touches another zombie, both of them will die, so the zombies will eventually be eliminated. This leaves the dogs as the only living beings left in the world.

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