第一日 第一科既係考英文口試,唉英文口試。題目係Who is your Favorite idol
我面對住全校最索既英文女老師 仲要著黑絲,我仆街喇。
「You have five minutes to expression who is your Favorite idol you may begin now」
「My Favorite idol is Yui Hatano She is are Japan small movie celebrity She have two mountain in her thorax.her looks like angel and Lin Chi ling.She often do Cavalry but
Sometimes do infantry.She have Many molding such as nurses  police  lawyer but my favorite
molding is teacher just like you.」
聽到依到我見到老師好似好尷尬咁 可能因為依間房得我同老師 老師指一下個鐘我見仲有二分半鐘我繼續
「Yui Hatano in each movie her facial expression is so true to life especially the fornication  .I shoot every time on the paper towels because her body is so sexy her abalone is so attractive just like a Black hole.her Every set movie I there are download so Yui Hatano is my Favorite idol」
完左之後我見住老師寫分數好多都圈最高 嘿 好彩我自從懂事之後開始溫依個題目姐 自從懂事開始之後tip題目 今次終於tip中左 好野。

考完之後我搵到呀思 佢都考完 佢話個分數偷睇到知道唔係幾高,我問佢講邊個idol
佢話「TWO Level KEN」
「fuck you C」

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