第五十一章: 大鬥法

E:「係喎,哥呀~Helena寶貝幾時放完vacation,咁長嘅road trip會唔會返唔學呀~」



仆街啦,好似有啲火藥味添,阿妹逼Helena唔好join個road trip,跟住落嚟下一步就係紫柔,我補答:「妹~Helena佢都做曬暑期功課啦,同埋我都會幫佢補下Bio&Eng,Ok㗎佢啲academic result,比起你嘅result嘅話就ok好多,想當年我比你考dse2021中文3、Eng4、Math5**、通識4、Bio4、Chem4同Phy4咋,我比佢做中文有,Eng有5而且Eng writing同Reading有5**可惜比Speaking5同writing4拖累,數就有3,佢未讀過通識都5呀,Bio就有5*同我差唔多嘅,所以我比佢同我一齊去個Road trip,呀~係啦有冇豆漿喝呀,紫柔?」


Edith黑了面,皮笑肉不笑:「哈~我都只係care我啲Helena BB嘅成績啫,唔使咁樣奚落人哋嘅成績嘅,我A level Eng A,Math A,Phy A,Chem A,Bio A㗎~同埋dse係難啲㗎啦⋯😭」

紫柔開始出手補救:「又唔佢曬冷啲result嘅,我都只係英數歷史Bio Chem A咋嘛⋯」

I:「係啦,Helena我哋去prep ILTES先,跟住再傾行程先啦!」






好啦我哋做ILTES嘅speaking prep啦,

I:「Ok, good morning lady so let’s introduce yourself, what is your name?」

H:「My name is Helena.」I:「What is your hometown? Do you like your place?」

H:「My hometown is Hong Kong but I had been there for 4 years ago that my mom brought me there, Hong Kong was one my hometown, unfortunately there was a political movement since 2019,my grandpa moved to UK in 2022 after the National Security Law upholding illegally by the CCP and Hong Kong SAR government.4 years ago,I went there,it is a really cool and beautiful place,the Victoria Harbour has many colourful buildings and large scene of sea view there, I enjoy riding on Star Ferry there, although the route trip is only 5minutes, I like the sea wind blowing to my face,that feeling that I can’t do that twice in UK.」

I:「Okay thanks for sharing a good place. Next question. Who is your favorite idol?」

H:「My favourite idol is The Beatles. This UK band is extraordinarily good, they are good at singing, editing a song and playing instruments such as a guitar, piano and drum sets. My favourite Beatles songs are “Hey Jude”,”Let it be” and “Yesterday”. First of all,”Hey Jude” was written by Paul McCartney to calm down John Lennon’s son Julian because Lennon broke up with his wife. I really appreciate Paul’s action to prevent a boy from getting hurt by his father, not the best wedding life. Moreover “Let it be” is a song that I always listen to when I am upset, it always keeps me looking forward, I agree Let It Be is a word of wisdom. 」

I:「Good. Okay. The third question,can you share about your views about LOVE?」

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