第五十二章:LOVE is fectual

我喺自擬ILTES問題問到Helena自己嘅愛情觀,愛情睇法的確好難,ILTES oral只不過係考生講下自己嘅睇法,同dse爭發言係唔同,我都唔會為難佢,佢諗咗一諗,就誠懇咁講,

H:「I think that creating chemistry between couple is the most important thing for them so that it can keeps the relationship more stable, let’s take me as an example…」

Examiner就係最鍾意聽eaxmple㗎啦,of course我當然認真聽佢個example啦,

H:「I fell in love with a boy and this boy also really loves me, love for each other is the basic thing, a couple should respect each other. Loyalty and trust is my first thinking that I consider for loving my better half, I trust him never love another girl to prevent any misunderstand for me with him or quarrel with him…」


H:「What is more,love is two-way,different character between couple need to accommodate each other is the best way to keep relation better,learn respect each other, recently, my boyfriend and I are walk in a long way and that way called “LOVE”,we do everything to fulfill the other half needs, when I see my boyfriend satisfaction happy smile face, then I feel joyful with him. I always care about my other half . When he has a hard feeling, I care about him first, to know more about his daily working life which can help me infuse him. Arnphichdiral communication is vital in my feeling for love…」

Emm⋯目前好好,有啲難字用到,絕大部份嘅grammer都啱,ILTES 7.5都ok嘅,continue…

H:「Moreover,couple needs to have passion everyday is also an significant way to keep the road of love walk smoothly and longer,for instance I will do some handmade for my boyfriend like a scarf to give more warm for him,a memorable photo book contains all photo taking with my friend, these present I will give him in memorable day especially the first dating anniversary. I always create excitement with my other half. Not only prevent the burnout period early, but also let the first flush become extended, it can let my boyfriend more love me which can allow the love to be more stable and longer. I would not easily say break up with my beloved boyfriend, because I think that it is not a mature action and this easily gets lost during love. I notice every time my boyfriend has another woman that I never allow him to cheat on me to keep my love better. Here is my view about love,thank you」

I:「Thank you Helena’s sharing, that's the end of IELTS oral exam, once again,thanks for you joining, you remarkable performance really exception,you can speak English fluently and
using few hard words, it is pretty excellent behavior for describing your Love experience.」

I:「好啦,emm,大概有8.5分嘅,都好好㗎啦,你可以同多啲native speaker即係我都ok,同埋我頭先聽到好感動呀,Helena老~婆~仔~well done👍👍」

H:「I love you too,我唔會比第二個接近我老~公~仔~㗎!」

I:「不如~我哋陣間曳曳呀~keep情趣嚒~」 H:「好~呀~我要大肉棒呀~」


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